In the James Bond film Goldeneye, a situation arises wherein Bond is chasing a sportscar in a stolen tank through some recently de-communized eastern block country and collides with a stature of a sword-weilding man atop a horse. The statue ends up atop the tank as it carreens about the city, much faster, i'd imagine, than a horse would normally go.
This friday, when we play mr t's bowl, our arrival will be something like that. except, you won't be able to tell. only now you know.
a sassy thing you might say to one of the members of the band is: "are there any other standard operating procedures i should be aware of?" make sure your voice is sultry though, or the boys won't get it.
And here a thought by (oh gosh, who is it anyhow?) comes to mind: boys throw stones at frogs in jest, but frogs don't die in jest, they die in earnest.
music can be like that sometimes, though perhaps not ours.
Wounded Lion
Friday, May 25 2007 at Mr. T's Bowl
5621 1/2 Figueroa, Los Angeles, California 90042
Cost : $5
w/Lamps & Intelligence. We play first.
But then you must excuse my sentimentality, we are just venturing out a bit further than usual the next evening, putting a whole county between ourselves and the salves of familiar human company. I mean, it's practically another country.
Saturday May 26 2007 at Tower Bar
4757 University Ave, San Diego, California
Cost : $5
w/Lamps and Intelligence again.
It's rather like a tour.
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